Author Eugene Miles, Jr.
A person's journey can only be measured by the number of experiences one goes through in life. My journey started in November of 1978, and my experience made me understand that a person's future depends on the number of chances that they are given.
I've been blessed to have had many chances in life. Most notable being a son, brother, father, teacher, coach, minister, and mentor. These chanced experiences started me on the path of various roads.
I've learned through the years that a journey begins with a single thought, not a single step. You will understand your why when you understand that thinking is the principle of things.
The idea behind all my books, sermons, lessons, coaching, coordinating functions, and events came from a single thought. Then, the real work began with implementing a plan to execute that single thought.
Remember your journey began the day you were born. Your experiences started when you were given a chance, and your journey continues to grow the more you think before you act.

Why I write. Who I write for.
Most authors would tell you that they write for pure enjoyment. Most would say they were bookworms who read stories that allowed them to explore other worlds, characters, and places and experience different things. I do not resonate with the latter, but I do resonate with the former.
I write when I'm moved to write. Once I start, I can only stop once it is finished, whether it be an outline, rough draft, or final work. I write because I'm given a title that creates a story in my head that must be told. I write because something needs to be said or addressed or something needs some attention.
I write for those who have no voice. I write for the stories that need to be told. I write for marginalized voices (like me). I write to see those like me represented by me—a makeshift FUBU writer, For Us By Us. These books are my brand, and I write about them so you can wear them proudly in your minds and hearts.
This is my WHY and my WHO.